Clean Membranes

Ultrafiltration Membrane Technology

Clean Membranes is developing a new hydrophilic polymer, PAN-g-PEO (PgP) for use in ultrafiltration membranes that resist fouling and operate for long periods of time without requiring the use of cleaning chemicals. These PgP-based membranes are being deployed to address a range of pressing industrial water treatment needs, especially those associated with oily wastewater.

Combined Solar

Clean Water, Clean Power

Combined Solar Technologies has developed a zero-liquid discharge process for treating industrial wastewater streams with high total dissolved solids. The integrated CST process is powered by renewable biofuels, resulting in not only clean water but also clean electricity generation.


Fully Integrated PV Roofing Shingles

F-Wave is developing solar roofing tiles that harvest both photovoltaic and thermal energy to achieve overall efficiencies of up to 40%—double the efficiency of traditional glass solar panels.

F-Wave's solar tiles are designed for easy installation, without the need for specialized labor and tools, and are cost-competitive with traditional re-roofing and solar panel installations.


ZinniaTek is developing next generation photovoltaic roofing and construction materials utilizing a patented production process.