Freight Farms

Hydroponic Container Farms

Freight Farms creates insulated modular farms from shipping containers, making it possible to grow food anywhere in the world, regardless of the climate, and increasing access to locally grown produce.

Growers can control farming operations using Farmhand®, an IoT software platform that automatically optimizes all growing variables.

GreenLight Bio

Cost-Effective RNA Pesticides

Agricultural pests lead to more than $100 billion annually in global crop loss. Traditional pesticides work, but negatively impact the soil, water, and beneficial pollinators. Greenlight has developed RNAi pesticides that selectively target specific pests, leaving the crop unchanged and unharmed.

Greenlight’s RNAi technology can be deployed cheaply and at scale; their first program targeting the Colorado Potato Beetle has finished field trials and is being evaluated for approval by the EPA.

Prospective Research

Reducing Antibiotic Use in Aquaculture

Prospective Research, Inc is creating feed incorporated with preventative disease management solutions for the aquaculture industry that completely removes the need for antibiotics and medicated feed.

The company’s technology platform allows them to modulate bacterial behavior using microbial signaling molecules for the local delivery of therapeutics directly inside the gut of any farmed species.

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Helping Nature Feed a Growing Population

Semios provides a scalable, predictive data analytics platform for growers of fruit and nut trees that helps improve yield by predicting, identifying, and preventing pest and disease pressure. Semios’ analytics engine draws on multiple sources of data and information, including a robust, wireless network of in-canopy sensors that measure climate, soil, and insect pest activity in real-time.